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Trendy townhome on beautiful Alderaan
Alderaan, Core Worlds
Rating: 1/5 stars
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One of the most beautiful Core Worlds, Alderaan is renowned for its natural landmarks and unparalleled beauty. It is a peaceful world and one of the oldest members of the Galactic Republic. A great choice for any getaway or vacati
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Rating: 1/5 stars
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Weird experience. Was on my way here when I heard millions of voices cry out in terror, then suddenly go quiet. Pretty off-putting, to be honest.
Luckily the nearby small moon looks promising. Headed there now. Will update my review once we land.
Do not book! This listing is a scam. We booked our honeymoon here and when we showed up, there was nothing there! The host wouldn’t return our communications either. AVOID!
Must be great, my son recently went for a visit and never returned…He must have loved it so much he decided to stay!
Sitting here on the covered deck, enjoying the beautiful weather and wonderful view. I cannot recommend this place highly enough!
Apparently there is some sort of light show going on tonight, the most beautiful green I have ever seen is
Mom? Dad?
Visiting Alderaan was something of a last-minute decision. We had originally booked a stay on Dantooine, only to find that our destination had actually been abandoned some time ago and was in no fit state for a stay.
Luckily, we were able to check-in here and whilst it didn’t show up in any of the tour guides we looked at on the way (notably itsatrapadisor), it looks like there is a light show for some kind of celebration toni…
Despite our Starnav repeatedly saying we’d ‘reached our destination’ we couldn’t find the place
Sorry, didn’t mean to shout. It’s been a long trip
An effective demonstration. Nothing more.
Terrible location when we arrived the meteor showers were so bad we couldn’t even find the place.
When we arrived we came out of hyperjump amidst an asteroid field and had to seek refuge on a nearby space station. During our stay there was a reactor leak and the accommodations were quite sparse so we decided to cut our stay short.
The nearby moon shoots out green fireworks! Amaz-
Was meant to he holidaying here with husband and in-laws but thankfully my “I’m a big name in the rebellion” father-in-law can’t read a frickin star chart….his excuse, reckons the place was ‘totally blown away’ PMSL
It’s a peace loving place with natural beauty. Crime is minimal. There’s a beautiful moon visible, but the locals act like they’ve never seen it before. Can’t wait to explore the place. Once in a lifetime opportunity.
The neighborhood was just too crowded! Be nice, if there were fewer people….
Services were decent, but when I went to go fill up my star cruiser, there was nothing left to come back to!
A complete waste of my time! They put a wrong address on the official site so I wasn’t able to find this stupid place!
I asked around but the only signal i got sounded like this:
Second visit here with the family. Recommend taking a telescope, star gazing is a must!!